Draw Text selection

From Particular PDF documents Created from Bentley DWG-Viewer my PDF import results are unusable, because LibO will get tons of separate line snippets and also tons of single characters (what are real text in PDF source) all on Layer “Layout”.
To make the PDF import useful for me I need to select all Text elements on the page, so that I can delete them. Unfortunately I do not know any way to select “text only”. Any Ideas?

Best regards


Would it be a solution to select and copy text in your pdf-file and paste it into Draw?

If not, please provide more details on how you imported the pdf-file. Step by step explanations are needed.

Hi, unfortunately you completely misunderstood my posting, the problem is that there are too many characters (=text) in the import results, not too few.

I think I will have to submit an Enhancement Request in Bugzilla with an attachment.pdf, so that the problem will be clear. I will contribute a hyperlink, soon.