Writer is targeted to text processing. But text is much nicer when illustrations are present. As you imagine, illustrations are not text and some means must be implemented so that these non-text inserts do not adversely impact text flow.
Writer does that by “encapsulating” “secondary” data in a rectangular area called a frame (I know, in some circumstances, you can request that the area not to be rectangular but to follow as closely as possible the inserted shape; this is user-configurable). Afterwards, it is relatively easy to wrap text around the rectangle.
Clicking “near” the shape selects the frame and you can then work on the frame properties.
Draw works with shapes. There is no text per se. A “text box” is nothing else than a rectangle with no border nor background. Objects is Draw are homogeneous: shapes and only shapes. To select one, you must click on a visible component of the shape (its outline, background when there is one or its text). When selected, “handles” are shown, usually forming an enclosing rectangle. But this rectangle does not exist (but for rectangles).
Since you’re working with pure shapes, you can’t easily tell if they overlap. Take the example of an n-point star and an ellipse. Both enclosing rectangles may intersect without the shapes intersecting.
If your concern is to be able to click-and-select a specific shape, my advice is to name them unambiguously and use the Navigator.
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