Edit and literal mask

Can anyone tell me why the cursor always lands at the end of a field when using Edit and Literal mask?

Write a bug for this. Add a simple form as Writer document. Will show the behavior when moving through the form by tabulator.

Thanks for your quick reply. Your reply is the first one I have ever received to my knowledge from this forum. I must admit my ignorance though, I have no clue how to write a bug and submit it.

Tee Bolen

Have done it:
Might be you could add a comment.

Thank you so much Robert, I really appreciate this. How will I know when it has been corrected?

I read this comment by Ratslinger and checked on Windows 11:

Does it look different on Linux?

@cwolan : Seems it looks different. Cursor will mark the whole content of the pattern field. When I try to type anything there wouldn’t be typed anything, because the cursor is on the right.
When I see the screen recording it seems to jump to the left to input data. This won’t happen here under Linux. So testing is needed and comments at the bug description, which will show this.
Sorry, I tried to record this, but have problems with the allowed formats here - so no record available. When I want to input data I have to set the cursor by mouse or by moving with the left arrow to other positions.

Thank you for the information. On Linux: Does the issue only occur with the pattern field?

I recorded in .GIF format…

Should this topic be tagged base (only)?

This is a special behavior of the pattern field. If I reach a field with normal text it will mark the text and when starting to type the whole content will be removed and the first character will be set. In date fields it is marked like in pattern fields, but the content will also be removed while typing new.

But: There is another bug special in table controls of Base:

Have seen the format after trying to upload…

BTW: I have set a link here to ask.libreoffice.org to show all, what has been tagged with base. Wouldn’t have found this if it hasn’t been tagged this way if it won’t appear in German language. Might be it should be tagged Writer also.