Editing .pps with Impress and saving as .pps turns all text to bold

I use LibreOffice Impress to edit .pps slides.
I open the .pps file with LibreOffice Impress, edit the slides and save as .pps. I have bold text and normal text in the slides, but saving to .pps turns all text to bold.
Any idea how I can fix this ?

Compatibility problem?

Please also report the behaviour as a bug on Bugzilla https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/

See also
How to report errors in LibreOffice

Please write the link to the error here.
Format: tdf#123456 (use only the number, not the link)
Please edit your original question.
Thank you very much.

If you like, you can upload a sample file here for someone to look at and examine.
Thank you very much.


Faq/Allgemein/118 - The Document Foundation Wiki.

Bitte melde das Verhalten auch als Fehler in Bugzilla https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/ .
Siehe auch
Wie man Fehler in LibreOffice meldet
Wie man Fehler in LibreOffice meldet - The Document Foundation Wiki

aber warum hier auf Deutsch ? :upside_down_face:

1 Like

Perhaps a bad day?!

Do you have the original font installed on the computer on which you are editing the pps? It might be a substituted font, look at the name of the font in the toolbar, if it is italicised then a substitute font is being displayed. I frequently get Cooper Std Black offered as a substitute which is very bold and indistinguishable from its bold version.

You can either install the original font or find a suitably similar font and use that.
Alternatively, add the suitable font as a substitute for the missing font in the font substitution table in Tools > Options > LibreOffice > Fonts, see help Fonts


I have add the font to the font table and this solved the problem. Thanks !