I have a problem with a leading space (as if made with the spacebar) between the footnote number and the text of the note. I need a way to kill that space character, preferably for all notes at once. This problem occurs in documents exported from other software into the rtf format. I do not have an option to correct the issue at the rtf creation stage. You can’t kill an actual space character, as far as I can tell, with any of the global footnote configurations in Writer. [LibreOffice Writer 4.1]
Can you link to an image of what you are seeing (with hidden characters displayed) so we can get a better sense of how to reproduce it and what to search for? Find/replace using regular expressions works for finding a tab separator, but a space (after the tab) prior to the footnote text is more difficult.
I figured it out. Search on ^\s as a regular expression. Replace all with nothing. Thx!
Interesting. The list of LO regular expressions does not include \s
. It seems to behave the same here (v4.1.2.2) as \t
i.e., it matches a tab character.
Apparently \s is an “ICU” Search Term: http://sirius.on-rev.com/regex/regular_expressions_writer.html
I first stumbled across it in the “Regular” pulldown list of the LO extension “Alternative Find & Replace for Writer.”
That makes sense. The help page is probably just not updated. Thanks for reporting back. Please select your own answer as correct once you have enough karma.