Embed endnote in a footnote or footer text

Is there a way to embed an endnote in a footnote? I’m using my footnotes as a form of counter-text.

More specifically, I want to include a Zotero citation that will create a superscript as the citation in the footnote text and a numbered note at the end of the document as the reference. Any work arounds or codes would be useful. Perhaps I should just be typing in the footer and manually linking footer paragraphs to manual footnote superscript numbers in the main text (haven’t tried this)

So far, endnotes are greyed out when editing a footnote. I can create a Zotero citation in a footnote but it will not appear as a superscript number. It will appear as the reference info that I would like to see appear in an endnote

Presently, due to a limitation in document representation (the specification is called OASIS ODF), you can’t add a note in a note. Since Zotero does its own management through macros and doesn’t “collaborate” with ODF, perhaps this could be done but according to your trials it seems very unlikely.

What do you call the footer?

In Writer parlance, the footer is an area at bottom of page distinct from main text area. The footer is repeated the same on every page.

The main area is where you write your discourse. Footnotes are displayed at bottom of the main area. They belong in the main area but are handled specifically (they are recorded at the point of occurrence: the anchor point, and their layout is deferred until Writer has computed the size needed to hold note contents. Notes are part of the main text area.

Consequently, you can write by yourself in the note area because it is dynamically created outside your control.

Although I have seen examples of notes in notes, you should think twice about the significance. If this note-in-note is strongly related to the note, perhaps it should become just another paragraph for the current note (and therefore be referenced with the original note number). It is easy to do it in standard Writer note: just add another paragraph. I don’t know how this can be done with Zotero because I have no experience with it.

A problem arises if the note-in-note is shared among several “primary” notes and you want to reference it.

Another approach is to consider your anchor point has two notes: the primary one and the “note-in-note”. You can always attach as many notes as you want to any anchor point. This moves the referencing number from the note to the text. This may be an acceptable workaround.

When asking here, always mention OS name, LO version and save format.

Thanks for such a thorough reply and insight. Is it possible to have an anchor point automatically link to both a footnote and an endnote so both would be generated? (I plan to use a footnote for explanation and the endnote for an citation similar to MLA or Chicago Note citation and referencing style). If not, how could this be done manually? ks(Osx10.12.6 Libreoffice and Osx 10.15.x LO 24.x)

The key point in your question is “both”.

If you mean having a single anchor attached to 2 notes (be they foor- or end-), the answer in No. A note reference is an intrinsic property of the note and can’t be share across several notes.

There can be however ugly manual workarounds.

Assuming you want visually a single anchor but two separate notes, here is a “dirty” suggestion:
A. Create a custom character style Invisible Endnote Anchor with the following properties

  • in Font Effects, set Font color: to the background colour (usually white for print output or PDF)
    Don’t tick Hidden because it will cause discarding the endnote.
  • in Font, set Size: to 2 pt (the absolute minimum in Writer)

B. Usage

  1. enter your footnote as usual; take note of the reference number
  2. Insert>Footnote & Endnote>Footnote or Endnote so that you’re in full control
  3. Numbering Character: enter the footnote reference number
  4. Type: tick Endnote
  5. OK
    When back in your text, select the endnote anchor and apply Invisible Endnote Anchor character style to it.

This is not immediate but this is the closest to simulate shared anchor between footnote and endnote.

Be sure to save .odt because .doc(x) has no notion of character style and you’ll be in trouble when you want to edit the trick.