Curious recent event whereby the highlight and embolden feature is spasmodic.
I use emboldened entries to a WIn97 style document thus:-
9 AM TUESDAY - made coffee and read paper
10 AM TUESDAY - Removed sump from gearbox
When I do this I sometime press the “B” button first or if I forget I will highlight the header and then push “B”
This works spasmodically - sometimes emboldening only some of the letters. If I go back and persist with highlighting sections not more that 2 chars I can sometimes get it done in pairs but not more that 2 letters.
This is a recent thing. I have used Open Office and then Libre Office for 15 years and I am familiar with the document section.
I would appreciate any help.
BTW - I have an updated version downloaded. Would the installation of that be likely to cure this? Obviously I have rebooted several times to no advantage.