Enable replaced font to be selected when creating new documents

Any way to list Segoe UI on font list without the need of manualy typing font name?

I’am trying to make LO documents compatible with windows. My job uses mixed environment and the main font used on windows documents is Segoe UI
Opening pre existent documents on Linux works fine with substitution but i need to give people the ability to chose segoe UI when creating documents on linux, even if the font displayed is not the same.

Thx in advance

Your plan has one major drawback, Segoe UI is not licensed for use on Linux, see Font redistribution FAQ - Typography | Microsoft Learn
The previous most popular and the default font in Microsoft Office was Calibri. The new default font is Aptos which is very similar to Liberation Sans

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Yeah, i know about the license issue. This is why am using Noto Sans as replacement. But i need just the name Segoe UI listed on font selection dropdown. That way users don’t get confused about font names when creating documents on linux

Have you also considered whether the name “Segeo UI” alone is also part of the license?

Well, then i don’t really have a suitable choice for that case. If that’s the case i need to approach the problem in another way
I will look into that


I assume your document is a .docx one.

Try to modify font face in Default Paragraph Style: you can freely type any name in the Family entry box.

However, since there will be conversion from DOCX to ODF you open the document, the change is not persistent and must be redone every time. And since I have no idea how the document is formatted (using Word styles or not), I can’t guarantee it will catch all occurrences (because of the unavoidable direct formatting implied by the conversion).

Foir better suggestion give more technical information on the document.


Under Linux, create a new template and set it as your default. In the template, modify paragraph style Body Text so that its font is Segoe UI (and perhaps other built-in styles like the basic one for heading hierarchy).

Any document based on this template will reference Segoe UI. Substituting Noto Sans to it is done in Tools>Options, LO>Fonts where you can configure the replacement table. The table is saved in your user profile. Consequently it applies to all future sessions.

The replacement table must be configured on every user’s PC. The template must be installed only if other users create documents.

There’s no specific document, i need to use that font in any document created on Linux. Am basically trying to create a “fake font” that is named Segoe UI but displayed as Noto Sans for linux users.