Unformatted text copy of a Calc spreadsheet in which some cells contain line breaks results in the intra-cell line break being replaced by a space. It would be preferable if Calc used a clipboard format which retained the line break.
Where is the best place to make this suggestion?
In more detail
Calc supports unformated text clipboard paste with cells containing linefeed or carriage return characters. Quoting is used to prevent intra-cell line breaks being interpreted as end of row markers.
Calc can save a sheet in Text CSV format with cells containing intra-cell line breaks. The Field delimiter can be set to {Tab} and String delimiter to “. Quoting is used to prevent intra-cell line breaks being interpreted as end of row markers.
In contrast when a clipboard copy is done, instead of using the above Text CSV format, Calc replaces the intra-cell line breaks with space and does not use any quoting. Resulting in data corruption when pasting Plane text into LibreOffice or other applications.
By comparison both Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets preserve intra-cell line breaks during plan text copy and paste.