I’ve gotten nowhere trying to get this to work, sorting style Natural - is there a way to specify NaturalSort without resolving to record a macro and use?
The below function works, but sorts “11:5” before “7:0”, by using NaturalSort it would sort “correctly”.
Function SortList
Dim sPK as Object
sPK=ThisComponent.getSheets().getbyName("Result One")
Range = sPK.getCellrangeByName("A6:E100")
Dim SortFields(0) as New com.sun.star.table.TableSortField
SortFields(0).Field = 4 'Column E = TIME
SortFields(0).FieldType = "AlphaNumeric" 'Sort as text
SortFields(0).IsAscending = "True"
SortDesc = Range.createSortDescriptor
SortDesc(3).Value = SortFields()
End Function
Original data is CSV text with this field being MM:SS so using text instead of converting seemed “natural” to me
(Bump only)