Equation numbering

I can’t put numbering at the right side of the equations. I read instructions for LibreOffice 4.2

And it does not work. When I enter fn in new paragraph and press key “F3”, it just highlights the paragraph and doesn’t open the Equation editor.
When I go to Cross-Reference, I don’t see “Text”.
I’m using LibreOffice - Serbian Translation.

The fn and then F3 does not open the equation editor. It inserts just a dummy formula. You may then doubleclick the dummy and create your own formula.

I think that the easiest way to add the equation number to the right properly centered vertically is to add a table of 2 columns and one row. In the left cell you put your formula and in the right cell you put the number “(Eq. 1)”. In the table settings, you can then select to vertically center the text so the “(Eq. 1)” text appears centered compared to the formula. And of course, make it appear right aligned.

You can adjust the width of the columns to make sure that the formula is either centered or indented and fits as expected.

Where you are not unlikely to encounter problems is when a formula does not fit your page horizontally.

(Value added:) The fn+F3 tool creates the table in an appropriate format and adds the number automatically. There is a sub-category Equation under Index of Tables usable to create an index of equations (per document or per chapter).

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As for the table, I find a table with 3 columns works best, equation in column two, number in column three (right justified). Otherwise, I have run into centering issues with my equations.

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There is the newer thread Equation numbering by chapter emphasizing that any specific format and additional features can easily be implemented based on user-defined AutoText entries.

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This looks like this question. See the suggestions which are not perfect, though.

Hi - The technique you describe uses AutoText. They use the “locale” settings. For example, in French the shortcut is nf and not fn.

You have to look what is the Serbian shortcut (english menu): Edit AutoText unfold Standard Formula Numbering
