Equation numbering by chapter

Hi guys,
I am new in writing articles using LibreOffice Writer. I would like to numbering equations by chapter. I mean: equation (2.3) where 2 is the chapter and 3 third equation. I have inserted, for now, the number using combination key ctrl+f3 (according to guide for Writer), to show the “AutoText” menu and then selecting “number for formula” (I dont know the right entry beacuse I have the italian version), but it numbers equations sequencially. This method creates a table with two field: one with a formula and the second the corresponding number.
OS:Ubuntu 18.04
File saved as .odx


You didn’t tell how you number your equations and how you insert this number into your text. If you feel like explaining to get more appropriate an answer, edit your question for details (don’t use your answer: this is a Question & Answer(s) site, not a forum and answers are reordered by “relevance”, thus losing the chronological sequence).

Basically, equations, tables, figures, … are numbered using a number range. You can have as many you like. Some are provided out-of-the-box for drawings, figures, illustrations, tables and texts (;i.e. text inside a frame). You can use of of these or create your own.

Numbering is inserted through a field: Insert>Field>More fields at Variables tab.

Select Type Number range, Select one of the counters (or create a new one entering its Name at the bottom), Format whichever you need. Numbering by Chapter is what you are looking for. Adjust Level to cause reset when this level number changes.

To show the community your question has been answered, click the ✓ next to the correct answer, and “upvote” by clicking on the ^ arrow of any helpful answers. These are the mechanisms for communicating the quality of the Q&A on this site. Thanks!

In case you need clarification, edit your question (not an answer) or comment the relevant answer.


As you noticed, AutoText creates a table. The second column is filled with Text “number range”. If you feel more comfortable than with manual insertion (as is possible with my answer, offering maximum flexibility for any user layout), you can customise settings for the Text number range as follows:

  • anywhere in your document, Insert>Field>More Fields
  • select the Text number range
  • set the Numbering by Chapter level
  • push Insert

This has configured the Text number range. Erase your “fake” insertion. Now, whenever you use AutoText to insert a formula, the numbering includes chapter number.

Please, is the variable tab in command field after clicking on isert on top?

Insert>Field>More Fields pops up a dialog, then you can click on the Variables tab to make it active.