you can perform via array function:
AVERAGEIF: {=AVERAGE(IF(I16:I4675<>"-",G16:G4675))}
STDEVIF: {=STDEV(IF(I16:I4675<>"-",G16:G4675))}
To get the array version of the formula finish the edit of the formula with CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER
instead of just pressing ENTER
See the following simple example (Value in B5
omitted due to -
in A5; “yes” is just for visibility)

Note If I understand that right, most, if not all, of these xxxIF
functions are built in for convenience and maybe performance reasons only.
Tested using LibreOffice:
Version:, Build ID: 1ec314fa52f458adc18c4f025c545a4e8b22c159, CPU threads: 8; OS:
Linux 4.12; UI render: default; VCL: kde5; Locale: en-US (en_US.UTF-8); UI-Language: en-US,
Calc: threaded
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