Error launching LibreOffice on Arch Linux, Gnome desktop

On launching LibreOffice from my terminal, I am getting this error

/usr/lib/libreoffice/program/soffice.bin: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

I am using Gnome Desktop on Arch Linux and my current version of libreoffice is libreoffice-fresh 6.0.2-1
Here is the screenshot from my terminal.

Thank you.

Please make sure your question “title” is properly informative. “Please help…” doesn’t signal to any reader what the issue is, or whether they might be able to help! Also, you might want to ask about this on Unix.Stackexhange, too.

Did you do a full system upgrade when installing LibreOffice? sudo pacman -Syu libreoffice-fresh

Arch packages are updated very frequently so it’s easy to get a broken system if you don’t upgrade all of it, e.g. if you’ve just run sude pacman -S libreoffice-fresh

(I’m running LibreOffice fresh on Arch also now and it works great.)