Error on trying to save index

I have a field in a table that I want to make unique. Go to Tools > Index Design. Select field and close. When it goes to save I get the following error:
Index not found: SYS_IDX_46 in statement [DROP INDEX “SYS_IDX_46” ON “tbl-Designs”]

What backend database engine are you using?

Make sire you don’t have any duplicates in that field

For most engines execute an SQL command of this form at Tool>SQL

ALTER TABLE "YouTableName" ADD CONSTRAINT "some name or blank for system assigned name" UNIQUE ("FieldName");

What backend database engine are you using?<<
No idea! VERY new to Base. Where do I find that please?

Make sire you don’t have any duplicates in that field<<
No duplicates and every record has an entry

For most engines execute an SQL command of this form at Tool>SQL<<
Just tried that and when I click execute get the status: 1: Column not found: sku in statement [ALTER TABLE “tbl-Designs” ADD CONSTRAINT “design-sku-unique” UNIQUE (“sku”)]

Where do I find that please?

Look along the bottom line of the main Base window

In the left corner is the type of connection i.e. Embedded , JDBC, ODBC are common

In the middle is the database Engine i.e. HSQLDB , Firebird are two possibilities

Just tried that and when I click execute get the status: 1: Column not found: sku in statement [ALTER TABLE “tbl-Designs” ADD CONSTRAINT “design-sku-unique” UNIQUE (“sku”)]

That message indicates that it finds is no field named “sku” in “tbl-Designs”

Make sure the spelling and case the same as in “tbl-Designs”

OK, Engine is HSQLDB Embedded.

Found the error! I was putting the field in lowercase when it should’ve been in upper case. Changed that, tried it and it works now.

Thank you so much for your help.