Error saving file because of insufficient user rights

Error saving the document (…) :
Object not accessible.
The object cannot be accessed
due to insufficient user rights.
I am using Ubuntu 22.04 with version 24.8 of LibreOffice.
I am unable to save any LibreOffice files in my home folder. No problem saving anything else to my home folder. I have uninstalled and installed LibreOffice again which did not solve the problem.

What does ls -alZ ~ return? This is a command line to execute in a terminal. The tilde is part of the command. Report only the line for . (current directory). The rest is probably private data.

Are you sure you save in your home directory? What is the entry for My Documents in Tools>Options, LibreOffice>Paths. This directory is generally different from the home folder. So report ls -alZ <the_designated_directory> (again only the entry for .). If you “simply” File>Save without changing directory, you save there.

Home folder:

drwxr-x--- 109 jarle jarle ?   4096 des.   1 14:12  .


ls -alZ ./snap/libreoffice/334
drwxr-xr-x 4 jarle jarle ? 4096 des.   1 12:27 .

What is strange is that I may save in a folder below my home folder.
As said earlier, I can save all other files to my home folder

Libreoffice is installed using snap.

Strange: SELinux (Security Enhanced Linux) information is replaced by ? I hope Ubuntu does not disable this feature. Anyway, rights seem to be correct. So, follow @Wanderer’s suggestion. Track container privileges, or install LO as a standard package with get-apt.

Thanks for your time.
I removed the snap and installed using apt. Now saving works fine.

It seems Canonical puts more work into AppArmor. SELinux can be activated for Ubuntu, but is no default-feature.

Is this a Snap? If yes, check, where the container is allowed to write… “Your” rights are not necessarily the same a LibreOffice sees in a Container.