Error SAXException: [word/document.xml line 2]: Opening and ending tag mismatch: rPr line 2 and ins


I have the same problem like it was presented on Document corruption - #7 by Wanderer

I worked with .docx formatted document (about 8 pages) on Libreoffice and saved it.
After trying open it I got an error message:
“SAXException: [word/document.xml line 2]: Opening and ending tag mismatch: rPr line 2 and ins”

I ignored the error and continued loading, and then found that the file was truncated to 2 pages.

I have files backup on Google drive. I have attached to this topic latest saved version of document.
Can anyone restore this document? Help me please.

2022-10-11 Atsiliepimas į apeliacinį skundą (10).docx (42.2 KB)

Also asked in a PM; fixed file sent by email.

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Dear Mike, thank you very much for restoring the document! You have saved me a lot of time. God bless you! Have a nice day!