Error: The component ( could not be loaded

When I’m in LibreOffice Calc and try to assign an Adress book by the File → Templates → Adress Book Source → Adress Data Source I get the following error:

The component ( could not be loaded. Please start setup with the repair option.

I’m on Ubuntu 12.04 (64-bit) and LibreOffice Build ID: 350m1(Build:2) and don’t know how to fix this / start the repair option.

Can somebody help me?

Installing the “LibreOffice” suite by the software center of Ubuntu fixed the problem. By default Ubuntu only installs a few LibreOffice programs. Probably the Adress Book is only usable if you have the full suite.

You need base for the addressbrook integration which is not installed by default in Ubuntu.

Per OP (jelte), the temporary fix is: Install the entire “LibreOffice” suite provided in Ubuntu’s repo.

Underlying bug reported in Launchpad here:

UPDATE: Per @Sweetshark on Launchpad, “Seems to be fixed in libreoffice4beta1 as in the prereleases ppa: Adress Data Source only shows up with base installed.”