Error when try to migrate the sample data base published by LO


How to solve this?

It’s the code of a query, which produces this error: Function DATEDIFF. You have to set day instead of 'dd'.
Shortcuts in HSQLDB:

DATEDIFF(string, datetime1, datetime2)'ms'='millisecond', 'ss'='second', 'mi'='minute', 'hh'='hour', 'dd'='day', 'mm'='month', 'yy' = 'year' 

Long strings without ' in Firebird:

DATEDIFF(string, datetime1, datetime2) millisecond, second, minute, hour, day, week, month, year 

Have a look here: Migration to Firebird from HSQLDB

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Thanks for the answer, your answer makes sense, but can you do a step to step guide to how to migrate? I am new in LO Base

If you are new in LO Base: Why do you want to migrate anything? Start directly with Firebird database. I would prefer to start with an external Firebird file. Will be created when trying to connect to Firebid file and the file isn’t there. Is better than any internal databases, because the data will be saved directly and not when closing the *.odb-file.

If there are HSQLDB databases, which you want to migrate to Firebird, you might get problems with view in HSQLDB. Funktions might be different or unknown in Firebird. That will be shown by the article in Wiki I have linked in the first comment. I try to write code in queries and views in the way HSQLDB and Firebird will work with, but there are unknown functions for Firebird (or for HSQLDB) and this has to be corrected after migrating the database.