Error When trying to open document

I spent a lot of time on a document and saved as normal in Writer. When I tried to open the document i get an error message as follows:

File format error found at
SAXParseException: '[word/document.xml line 2]: Attribute w:eastAsiaTheme redefined
', Stream ‘word/document.xml’, Line 2, Column 330370(row,col).

I am using Ubuntu 14.04. Is there any way that I can recover this document? Libreoffice is as follows:
Build ID: 00m0(Build:2)
Locale: en-ZA (en_ZA.UTF-8)

.docx documents are zip-container same as .odt files. Unpack it, open the mentioned file and find the redefined attribute. Examine which one is the correct one and delete the other.

Or you can try to find someone who has got Microsoft Word in a current version. It usually tries to repair broken files, perhaps that works for your file.

Hello everyone,

I have the same problem. I have unpacked the .docx file and opened the document.xml file where I find Attribute w:eastAsiaTheme defined several times. How do I know which one I should keep and which ones to eliminate?

