Creating a camera-ready copy for publication in LibreOffice Writer (v. 6.0.x) has more pitfalls than I would have expected. But the main problem I have encountered seems to have no workaround.
Throughout this document, I have put the book title in the header of verso (i.e., “left-side”) pages; for recto (“right-side”) pages, I have inserted a the field code for the chapter name. This works well throughout the document EXCEPT on one page about a third of the way through document. There – and only there – the header reads “Foreword to the 2019 Edition” (that is, a header which should only appear in the book’s front matter.) I can’t figure out why.
For context:
- Each chapter is its own section; this is mainly in order to…
- …be able to collect all the endnotes at the end of each chapter.
- This particular chapter has 19 endnotes, which stretch from the bottom of verso/page 62 to the top of verso/page 64. Page 63/recto is where the ersatz header field appears.
It would seem that some combination of section and endnotes is triggering this problem.
Am I right in assuming that the “Chapter” field variable comes from a Heading 1? If so, this makes the appearance of the ersatz header even more peculiar. In desperation to make it go away, I turned all of the front-matter Heading-1 style to Heading-2 styles. But even with “Foreword to the 2019 Edition” (back on page vii) demoted from Heading-1 to Heading-2, the problem still persists.
Any help or guidance would be appreciated!