Evaluate a property/member in Watch when debugging

Hey folks

Is there a way to evaluate a property directly in the Watch-Window?


oCurrentOwner = oForm.getByName("lbx_current_owner")

I’m adding “oCurrentOwner” to the Watch-Window and I can navigate through all the members.
Even if I already know which member of the object I would like to have a look at I need to navigate through all the tree. Is there a possibility to directly evaluate the member? (example: I would like to type in the Watch-Window “oCurrentOwner.Parent.ServiceName” and it should add the whole string as variable and show the value of the corresponding member.)

I’m using the built-in editor for programming the macros. Are there other possibilities?

Thanks in advance for your replies.

[Tutorial] Introduction into object inspection with MRI

Thanks a lot! Exactly what I was looking for!
Have a great day