When I export my Draw file to the PDF format the Basic Shapes have extra pixel / points in the upper left and lower right corners. How can I stop this from happening without changing my shapes?
As I do not reproduce the problem, could you specify your environment (system and version of LibreOffice). I have increased your karma so that you can attach a link to a sample file.
Hello Pierre-Yves,
The problem is the same as stated in the bug below. So I converted my shapes to polygons and deleted the extra dots. The pixels / dots / points were not present in the exported file.
Thank you for responding to my question. Hopefully this will be fixed in a future version of LibreOffice.
Best regards,
Thank you @mikekaganski for the link. I do not reproduce if opened with sumatra but I reproduce if opened with acrobat…
Thank you Mike for the link and answer. I converted my shapes to polygons and removed the extra points manually. As I said above, I do hope that this issue will be resolved in a future version of LO.
Best regards,