Exported PDF from LibreOffice crashes right after opening. File not stable

I’ve put together a fillable PDF on LibreOffice Writer and exported it to PDF. After exporting it, it briefly opens on my Adobe PDF application before immediately crashing. My original export was stable but I realized that I had not set the “Tab Order” of the fillable fields correctly, so I went back to reorder them. After reordering them the issue began to occur.

Is there any way to debug the PDF file or identify the error causing it to crash?

If a file generated in LibreOffice (here: PDF) crashes its native application (here: the PDF format creator’s Adobe Reader), then it is indeed suspicious that LibreOffice generated something invalid.

If possible, please file a bug report, and attach a sample ODT to it, that creates a problematic PDF (sanitizing its content, and making sure it still reproduces the problem).

Done by OP as tdf#158878