Exporting form documents for a database to .pdf

Is it possible to export a form document for a databes to a .pdf and have the .pdf still act as a form for the DB when accessed on a system where the DB is registered? This seems like a bit of a stretch to me (it may be prevented by the definition of a .pdf file), but does anyone know if it is possible?

No, this is not possible. Create a HTML form, host it on a http-server together with the database server.
On a local network where each client is running LibreOffice, you can distribute Base forms as office documents (Writer or Calc). This also requires a database server for simultanious multi-user access. A database server is a program that is constantly running, waiting for database requests and mangaging siultanious multi-user access.

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Thanks, @Villeroy!

What you described in that second paragraph is how I’ve been operating. I was simply thinking that a .pdf form would be cleaner for the users.

There is nothing unhygienic with that solution. We use it in my wife’s medical practice.

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I suppose “tidier” would have been more precise.

Read a bit more on pdf-standard(s) and I doubt you will repeat “cleaner” (same for tidy).

I don’t doubt it. Then again, dealing with niggling standards is a part of my job (outside of my having to wade in the waters of data management).

A lot of things are possible - but don’t expect this in near future.
PDF-Forms are designed to work offline, so you can fill them and send the form back, printed or by mail. There is also a variant to send back fdf-files (only data) to be post-processed at the destination.
Second problem is: PDF can be filled with a multitude of tools, wich (all) have to find the database. So your idea would probably force people to install an use LibreOffice to access the database instead of using their pdf-tool.
Third point: The system with the .odb-file is not necessarily the same as the machine with the database. LibreOffice/Base can access remote databases…
So while it would be nice to use only one tool/form for everything neither Base nor pdf will help here.
As @Villeroy already suggested: A Mysql-database on the net wuth html/php-forms would be an good solution for easy access. But, if you nerd LO/Base you would have to create a second set of forms…