Extra characters are typing when use regional keyboard in equation editor

I’m having a problem that I’m not sure if it’s a libreoffice bug or something else.
Thus, if I have set the regional keyboard and I want to write an equation, a comma followed by a space automatically appears in front of the first character entered.
If I use the English keyboard, I don’t have this problem.
How can this problem be solved?

OS - windows 10 64bit
LO - (x64)
Save format - any
Characters that appear is cedilla + space
Regional keyboard - romanian standard keyboard
In Autocorrect Options i don’t see anything relevant. I don’t make changes there.
Sequence cedila+space appears regardless of the character entered, including regional characters
Is your “regional keyboard” associated with “macro-generating features”? - No
Is it the standard OS keyboard or have you installed some special keyboard manager? - I have standard keyboard from windows.

I use LO for many years. This problem is relatively recent, I noticed it including in version 7.3.6

With such a description we can tell nothing. So, please edit your question (don’t start a discussion, it is more contributor-friendly to have all relevant information at a single location) to improve it.

Start with elementary details: OS name, LO version and save format.

A screenshot is generally worth next to nothing when it comes to document contents. Attach a sample file to your question. The spurious character does not look like a regular comma, so checking the exact character is needed.

What is the “regional keyboard” (which language)? Have you specific AutoCorrect rules attached to this language? (see Tools>AutoCorrect>AutoCorrect Options). What is the first character entered? What happens if you type a different one (this to eventually rule out AutoCorrect rules)?

Is your “regional keyboard” associated with “macro-generating features”? I.e. some keys will generate more then the engraved symbol. Is it the standard OS keyboard or have you installed some special keyboard manager?

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