f4 key causes crashes in writer

Using the F4 key to access “Position and size” menu in Writer, just after pasting a graphic, frequently causes crashes. It doesn’t always do so, and “older” graphics seem unaffected. But I have just now tested this about ten times with the same file, and the program crashes on pressing the F4 key no matter whether the graphic was pasted as “Impress”, “Drawing”, or “GDF Metafile”. And saving the file before trying the F4 did not help. Very frustrating.

I copied a picture in a blank document, pressed F4 and all was fine. So: we can’t help you if you don’t provide some minimal information, like version of LO, and what kind of file it is - a downloaded picture, something you made in Draw, or still something else. We aren’t wizards, we can’t see what’s going on on your pc.

Please try resetting the user profile, sometimes solves strange issues.
Usually it’s enough renaming/deleting the file “user/registrymodifications.xcu”, it affects all the options in Menu/Tools/Options, and the files “user/basic/dialog.xlc” and “scrip.xlc” are overwritten, additionally custom colors in “user/config/standard.soc” are lost.

@mariosv: thanks for that useful suggestion. I did try it, and after restarting LO the F4 key no longer does anything in Writer. As I do have custom colors and macros assigned to a button), I think this will be far too involved and delicate a process for me to attempt further. Will have to live with random crashes from F4, and remember to save before using it.