Using Linux Mint 18. as an operating system, and the version of L.O. that goes with it, my computer not only constantly crashes using L.O. Base but when I create a report which appears on the screen, in attempting to close L.O. Base the system freezing, upon forcing quit, I must recover my file and find that my created report has completely disappeared, i.e. was never saved. Any help available? As usual I have spend some time trying to resolve this.
Using a Windows 8.1 computer and L.O. 5.2, I could not even begin to create report and test any difference due to a Java runtime environment error even though I had such an environment installed. Installing a 32 bit environment permitted me to create a report in L.O. 5.2. I still dont have a solution for the Linux Mint, perhaps it is Java there too. I dont know how to fix it.
Seeing as you have Mint 18 (can’t imagine it being 32-bit) and the LO that came with it, this means the Java JRE you need to install should be 64-bit. The only possible exception to this is using Windows 10 (not personally confirmed). The 32-bit Java may be your problem. It has been my recent experience that some distro installed versions are without Base and then needed to be installed separately. In one case (noted here) something was missing from the seperate install. Not saying this is the case, just a possibility.
I have the following Java runtime environment installed in Linux Mint : Oracle Corporation 1.8.0_91 . I did not install this personally, it came with the distro. There is no message when in Linux concerning Java, simply I am unable to close my database and the report in the end which did create, is not saved. I don’t know how to install another version of Java on linux. Same problem on 2 computer
In Windows I had to install another version of Java and the L.O. 5.2 works and creates reports
Sorry, but I have no other answers. I use both xubuntu v16.04 and Mint 17.3 both with LO v5.2 ( and many other LO versions in past) and don’t have any problems Base, Report Writer or macros in any of the programs. Currently using Oracle Corporation 1.8.0_92 JRE 64-bit but have used others (all 64-bit). The only difference of note, I don’t use the distro version of LO (had problems in past) but download directly from LibreOffice.
I also want to note my oversight as to the Java version in your Mint install. I mis-read and thought you installed 32-bit. It was Windows you did that to.
I have downloaded the file with the latest version of L.O. i.e. LibreOffice_5.2.0_Linux_x86-64_deb.tar.gz but I do not know how to get this file installed on my computer. I very new to Terminal and some of the most basic commands of terminal like cd dont seem to work for me, though with precise instructions I have managed to install a few things.
First you need to remove the current installation. Since it was pre-installed you should remove it using Software Manager
on the Mint menu. When this starts, on the menu click View
and un-check All packages
with Installed packages
as checked. Then click the All Packages
icon on the main screen. Find your LO package(s) and double click. It will show as Installed with a button on the right to Remove
Once done (all LO packages removed - if separate leave Java) will go to forward.
I am currently following instructions I found with LibreOffice 5.2 to install. Will let you know if it works better.
Many thanks. Finally I got 5.2 installed, and none of the noted glitches have returned. I think I got rid of all the previous files.
Mark another one up to distro versions of LO. I’m glad all is working. To help others if you wish please mark this as solved.