Failure to sign existing pdf on LibreOffice


I’m trying to sign an existing PDF with libre office: File → Digital Signatures → Sign existing PDF;

Then I click on the Sign Document button, and again on the Sign Document button in the Digital Signatures dialog;

Select certificate dialog pop-out and I select my certificate and click sign.

After that nothing happens. There is no dialog to enter the pin.

However, the pin is asked for when I try to sign a LibreOffice document, such as an odt document.

Edit: This is on Windows 10. I used to be able to sign pdfs in previous versions of libreoffice.

This looks like a bug report, not a question. Bug reports should go to bug tracker.

Right, I reported it to the bug tracker. I just thought someone may have had the same issue before and had a solution on the help forum.

Right, I reported it to the bug tracker
