Fallback fonts are f***y with "fresh"!

CPU threads: 6; OS: Linux 4.19; UI render: default; VCL: gtk3; 
Locale: en-US (en_US.UTF-8); UI-Language: en-US

Since upgrading to the behavior of certain fonts has changed. Previously, when I typed a character that didn’t exist in a particular font, LibreWriter substituted a character from a similar font. Now it still substitutes the character, but in colorful emoji form. This actually was very amusing when I first encountered it, but it is irritating to manually change fonts on each character.

How does LibreWriter determine fallback fonts? I’ve looked at the Fonts section of Tools > Options, but I’m not trying to substitute one font for another, I need to do it per character. I’m unsure if this is actually a LibreOffice question at all.

As you haven’t said what you are doing to get the character, I’m guessing this is to do with autocorrect, e.g. you type :car: and get a picture of a car. I’m guessing here too, if you can find an older autocorrect list you might get the BW font.

You might get more responses from better informed people than me if you re-title your question to something more informative and less confrontational. Cheers, Al