I came to this site after looking for a way to disable the ‘text import’ dialogue that pops up EVERY TIME I open a CSV file in Calc.
I do not generally use office/productivity software, and I use spreadsheets even less but even for me, this annoyance is enough to make me not want to use the software.
I have currently set Sublime Text as my default CSV app since I don’t need the special number formatting and calculation that a spreadsheet application affords you, though I wouldn’t mind using Calc if it didn’t ask me for this information EVERY TIME.
It’s okay to have the default behaviour be what it is now, but allow people who have particular preferences and know how to change them, to do so. That’s what “preferences” are for. I don’t change my tab size and bracket matching on my IDE every time I open a file, and I would not use such an IDE.
I think an earlier question was misunderstood as saying that the default behaviour would be to just force every one to import their CSV with hardcoded defaults.
No, Calc can keep the prompt as the default, but people should have the option to save these options for subsequent file opens, and change them in the settings/preferences/options menu/sub-menu should they change, or not be appropriate for a certain file.
Otherwise, it doesn’t matter how well software is written (and it is well-written software, as far as I can tell–thanks). People will gravitate to the software that works more conveniently for them.