Feature Request: Please add Play/Pause option impress videos and .pptx support

Working presentation on libreoffice with videos impossbible :frowning: I have to use MS$ products or WPS-Office
–There is no Play/Pause option for videos
–Videos starts when presentation mode plays (Even all videos plays same time if you have more than one in a page)
–You can not save embedded impress files as .ppt or pptx; because all videos gone after save.
–You can not use saved impress with embedded video files in other platforms.

I m duplicating my self many times; But this features so important and if you look this issue its mentioned many time on Libreoffice bug report site and here. Please handle this issues.

Best Regards

Wow this is great news. Thank you team. I reported this bug and comment under related bugs many times.
According to this email they fixed and it can be available version 6
Edit: There is no hope my issue; I don’t know real reason but if you add more than one video files one page LO-Impress like behave grouping all added videos. I just use Write and Calc for daily works but I’m using WPS-Presentation for my presentation needs.