As far as I’ve been able to determine, there is no functionality provided by default in LibreOffice Writer to search by character style, although it is provided for paragraph style. Someone raised this issue in 2013 here, but the solution provided (an extension called AltSearch) “has not had a release in over 1 year and may no longer be maintained.” Even if it were up to date, I would prefer the reliability of default integration for this “Search for character style” functionality than to rely on an extension that would require attention from time to time, could face at least temporary setbacks with new versions of LibreOffice, and could still eventually become unsupported. So is this something that LibreOffice’s developers would be willing to consider?
Also, I’m relatively new to the LibreOffice community and so am not aware of the best venue for feature requests. Is it this, the mailing list, or something else? Thanks.