Field from data base table displays (empty) in pivot table


I have created a pivot table directly from a data base table. I recreate exactly the array as on the dabase without any groupping, summing or sampling.
Some fields of text column on the database contain NULL value because they are empty. The problem is that pivot table shows them (empty) as value. Is there any solution to set (empty) to a just blank cell ?

Thank you

Libreoffice 64bits for windows 10

So you don’t need any pivot table at all.
Get the data source window (Ctrl+Shift+F4) and drag the icon of your table or query from your data source from the left pane to a Calc cell.
The resulting database range is linked to the source record set. menu:Data>Refresh updates the linked database range.

I need pivot table because it have special effect with filter. If you copy/paste array from pivot table to Writer with DDE link, and if you apply some selection with the filter the changement of the size of the table can be seen on the Writer document. A range can not do that, because the dimension of the destination array is static

A macro driven solution linking a Writer table to a record set:
[Writer] Stand-Alone Database Reports

Short answer: use conditional formatting on the column or columns in question.

I know this is an old post, but this same problem has bothered me for a long time. I’ve learned to ignore it – until today. Today, the pivot table in question has too many “(empty)” entries to ignore.

I did some research and found this has been an acknowledged problem virtually FOREVER. There are quite a few posts looking for a solution.

I decided to dig deeper. I found I could delete “(empty)” in the formula bar (or replace it with a blank), but when I pressed Enter, an error message explained that changing the cell contents was not possible.

I tried disabling cell protection. No joy. I re-enabled it.

I finally hit on cell formatting. I have often used this trick to make formula results, notes, flags, etc. invisible to other users, or to keep it from distracting me until I needed to review it.

  1. You simply select the column or columns where you want to make “(empty)” disappear.

  2. Open Conditional Formatting and create a new Style. In my case, the background for the Pivot Table Style (Pivot Table Category) is “None.” Using Conditional Formatting, I set the Style foreground and background to White and set the Condition to trigger if the cell contents is “(empty)”.

  3. Now I applied the new Style to the Conditional Format for the specified cell range.

This did the trick. The “(empty)” is still there, you just can’t see it anymore. And since my spreadsheet background is white, there is little or no indication that there is anything in the cell, even when the cell has borders. If your spreadsheet or range background is a different color or shade, just match the Style foreground and background to the background in question.

I hope this helps everyone who has encountered this problem.

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