Figure Numbering disrupted in Master Document (LO 3.5)

Dear all, I’m writing a long dissertation and therefore I’m using a master document. In LB3.4 the master document was working fine, with 3.5 instead the figure numbering went crazy - the figure fields showed “no sources found” or something similar. I rolled back to 3.4 and everything is ok at the moment. I was wondering if this is a bug of 3.5. Any help is much appreciated.


Hi @Nik, Were you able to get numbering working in 3.5? If not, could you please download a copy of the latest 3.6 build and see if your problem has been fixed? Thanks!

I doubt that we can get a result here. nik should submit a bug in Bugzilla

Hi @Nik,

Please file a bug report about this numbering issue and provide as much information as possible. The QA team will be happy to help you triage this issue in the bugtracker.

If you do file a bug, please post a link to it in a comment below using the format “fdo#123456”.
