I wrote my book with LO version 6.x on Windows 10. I since updated to LO 7.5.2 and all was fine. Yesterday I updated to the new version 24.2.0. Opening my book file caused Writer to hang after loading 67 of the 72 pages. I deleted my user profile in safe mode. No change. Deinstalled and installed 7.6.4 hoping that that would be stabler. Hangs exactly the same.
I tested on a Windows 11 laptop which also has version 7.6.4 installed and had the same problem.
I installed version 7.5.9 and everything worked perfectly again.
I suspect the endnotes don’t like something about newer versions. They’re contained in one large section, with a subject index placed afterwards. There are a few small images embedded in the main body of the book, the whole file is 3 MB, so too large to upload here.
To narrow down the problem I loaded some backup versions and detected this starts happening around August 2023. At that time I was experimenting with the subject index and placing it after the section containing the endnotes. All versions with the subject index first load fine, with them placed after, the program hangs.
Did the 7.5 versions handle this differently?