File is no longer opens

I was writing a file on libreoffice writer and after finishing and saving it as a pdf, After 1 day, The odt file became empty with no words inside and also the saved pdf is no longer opens saying that the file is damaged also the size of both of them became zero kilobytes, How can I get anyone of them again ?

With the absence of technical information in your question, you can’t. We don’t even know the OS name and LO version. We have absolutely no idea on your routine workflow: where you save your documents (which directory? some removable device? cloud service? …). You didn’t mention if your computer crashed or you powered it off. Have you moved the file without LO being aware of it (doing so in the file browser after leaving LO)?

If the files were intended to be saved on a USB key, did you remove the key before the OS transfered all data on it?

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