Filled cells cannot be shifted beyond the sheet.

This message appears on one sheet when I try and “insert a line above”. How do I get around it, please? The other sheets in the document are OK.

You probably have some content in a cell of the very last row of that sheet, and if its only a blank in a cell. To get rid of it select that bottom row and hit the Delete key to clear the row, or delete the row altogether.

Excellent. Thank you The last row did indeed have data but where that came from, I know not. All normal now.


probably you have content somwhere in row 1048579

Excellent. Thank you The last row did indeed have data but where that came from, I know not. All normal now.

Thanks for posting this question and answer! I had the same thing, but “Help” didn’t cover it. Indeed, somehow, I had a “/” in my last row! Who knew?! Thanks again!