I have two tables connected by primary key via a relationship. Top level table is Employee which has coumns for name, address, and multiple phone numbers, called Phone1, Phone2, Phone3. The other table contains details about a specific employee Activity group, and which references the Employee table primary key. In the input form for the Activities table, I’m trying to create a combo box populated from the multiple phone numbers given for this employee in the Employee table, i.e. so I can pick a preferred phone number in the Activities table chosen from the data for that employee record in the Employee table.
The trick seems to be that I want to create a query for the combo-box that will pull Phone1, Phone2, Phone3, only for the one employee, not the entire Employee Table. So I figure I want to add a WHERE on the combo-box query to look only at those Fields for this employee, but I don’t know how to do that. Does the Form itself have a primary key that I can reference in the combo-box query?
Thanks for any help!