Find and Replace for words with particular format

I want to find texts from my document.

The problem is some texts are same but in different formats. For examples the words " dining table" are available in bold, italic, underline etc. Is it possible to use the Find and Replace command only for particular word based on their format?


[Edit] No. Not in Draw, only in Writer as below

Yes.Open Find and Replace (Ctrl+H) dialogue, enter your search term in Find as usual, dining table and also enter it into the Replace field if you just want to remove the direct formatting (choose Normal or Regular in Format) but keep the word.

Click the + beside Other Options to expand if not expanded. Click the Format button and select the tab, in this case Font, and the particular format you want to search for, e.g. Italic. OK

Click Find Next or Replace All depending on your requirements. In the image below, it has found “dining table” in italics and skipped it in Bold. Between searches it is best to click the No Format button before finding a different format or they can add together and so exclude the format you are searching for.

Hi Earnest,

How do I save a file from libre draw to libre writer?


From Draw to Writer you would need to copy the text, not the text boxes.

If it is a pdf, you could copy the text only from a pdf reader such as Adobe Reader. Or you could convert it to Word using one of the online converters.

Hi Earnest,
