Find information

I am trying to find out about the “url”. In my attempt to find the location of the python macro, i ran the following code:

import os
import inspect
f_name = inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe())

I get the following result:

I was reading up on but the documentation is quite cryptic.

In Python and Basic how can I get this object and view the attributes?

This interface allows you to work with the internal structure (archive) of an open document.
Example: similarly to APSO, we add a Python script to an open document.

Sub CreatePythonScript
  Dim oDoc, oSfa, pathPy As String
  oSfa = CreateUnoService("")
  pathPy="" & oDoc.RuntimeUID & "/Scripts/python/"
  oSfa.copy ConvertToUrl("C:\temp\"), pathPy & ""

End Sub

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This is very interesting. I have accepted this as the answer. Just one last question, is there a way to convert the url to a filepath? Thank you.

As far as I understand, this interface only exists for the open document and takes into account all changes made to the document since the file was opened.
Essentially this is the filepath:

Sub ShowTdoc
  Dim oDoc As Object, oSfa As Object, arr
  oSfa = CreateUnoService("")
  arr=oSfa.getFolderContents("" & oDoc.RuntimeUID, True)
  Msgbox Join(arr, Chr(10))
End Sub

No, because »« is the LO-internal-Protocol

A. Pitonyak calls this interface “13.18. The coolest trick I know” (OOME_4_1.odt) :slightly_smiling_face:

Yes, and pretty much the only use case where I use: »sfa.copy( tmp_uri, file_uri )« to embed python files in documents.
Otherwise I prefer native python functions for general file handling

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