When using Find in an .odt document I found that not all the expected matches were being returned. One example was the word “weeds” which appears in the document as both “weeds” and “Weeds”. Entering “weeds” in Find with Match Case unchecked only shows the “weeds” instances but entering “Weeds” shows both “weeds” and “Weeds”. Is this a bug?
I am using Linux Mint 6.8 and LibreOffice version on a desktop PC.
sounds like a false negative. (cf. False positives and false negatives - Wikipedia)
you should double check your test, and upload a sample document if still have problems.
this is 7.6 or 24.8 :
I’m just using the built-in Find/Replace in Find mode without any regular expressions - just a simple text search. I’ve tried it again and “weeds” found all the matches including “Weeds” so I’m not sure what happened before. The only thing I can think of is that there were more matches than I expected and I just hadn’t paged down far enough to see all of them.