Find "*" using regular expression

I want to find * character using regular expression because I have to replace it with \n*. Basically I want to add a line before all the * written in the document.

However when I tried to find it with Regular expression checked, it showed no result, after turning off regular expression it can find the character but I can’t add a manual line before every * in one go. And the document is like 2K pages long so doing it again and again one by one is not really an option for me. So how do I go about it ?

You have to “escape” characters that have a special function in a regular expression, like this one. Type \* instead of just * and LO will know that you want the literal.

Read the whole list of regular expressions carefully, they’re very powerful, but you need to know the basics to use them.

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Type what instead of * ?
I know that they are very powerful, and I use them regularly but I am no expert in that area. :frowning:

Added a backslash to show what you have to enter.

Thanks that helped.

Can you please tell me how do I remove a paragraph break. You see After every “:” there is paragraph break. When I search using :blush: it searches for it, but no matter with what I replace, the para break will not go.

Or should I create a new question for this ?
I am still learning this regular expression thing, and with new document to make into epub, I get into more trouble and learn something new.

That’s another question, one that has been asked over and over, btw. Hint: Make sure that regular expressions is ticked. Another hint: Download the Altsearch extension, it’s a great tool to find and replace across paragraph breaks.

Already have that extension. Can you give link to one such question ?

See this one. In Altsearch you have to enter \p instead of $.