how to find for example a paragraph mark, and replace it with sequential paragraph remarks to set up a a new paragraph?
I apologize if this has been asked and answered, I’m unable to find it anywhere.
First, LibreOffice Find and Replace cannot do that.
Empty paragraphs shouldn’t exist in a well styled document. You might also have to untick this setting if it is on, Tools > AutoCorrect > AutoCorrect Options > Options > Remove blank paragraphs.
You could install an extension, AltSearch » Libreoffice Extensions and then search for the beginning of each paragraph. The end of a paragraph contains formatting information that would be applied to the paragraphs below making them all the same as the first paragraph.
In AltSearch:
- In the Search For field enter
- In the Replace field enter
- Tick the box Regular expressions
- Click Replace All
Thank you very very much for taking the time to reply. Your four-line – what to do – WORKS PERFECTLY!
Where can I find a listing of all of the kinds of characters that used in searches, so I can become more facile in using find and replace. For example the^,,p, &? And also, what are those characters called? As a group?
I’ve seen these characters before being used to make searches better, but I don’t know what they’re called, and I don’t know how to find out more about them.
Once again thank you so very much!
Warmest regards,
James Gluckin.
They are Regular Expressions, see Using Regular Expressions in Text Searches and the links at the bottom of the page. Also the links at the bottom of the page linked from there, List of regular expressions
The AltSearch regular expressions may differ from those in LibreOffice on occasion. Click the ? button in the AltSearch box to go to their help page
You can’t with the built-in Find & Replace
function because it operates on the contents of a paragraph, between its beginning and end, excluding these boundaries. Since a paragraph break is outside paragraph contents, it can’t be acted upon with the standard function. The only exception is the possibility to erase an empty paragraph, eliminating simultaneously its paragraph break.
You may have a chance with extensions.
PS: when asking here always mention OS name, LO version and save format due the the differences between platforms and file format.
Thank you very much for taking the time to reply! I’m sorry I didn’t mention the operating system name etc. I should’ve said Windows 10, latest updates, and also the latest version of libre office.
Thanks again for helping!
James Gluckin