Firebird Base: SQL CREATE TABLE Statement

Fedora 32 Cinnamon Desktop of Fedora from Spins


Why do .odb file has to be closed and query has to be run over three times in order to create a table, namely Table_1 ?


Running query each time, is this message normal ?

On LO (on Mac OS), I also get problems similar to yours and others have had.

I get a somewhat different error message after running (from the normal Queries window) your own query code to create the new table. See below:

image description

… but I ignore (close) it.


  1. The new table does NOT show up in the table listing until I do a REFRESH TABLES (under the VIEW menu and only enabled in the Tables window). You must also close a BLANK window that opens up at that point (at least on my setup)
  2. IMPORTANT: If you close the database without doing the REFRESH step above, and then re-open it, there will be no table saved! (And also NO warning to SAVE the Base file before closure!)
  3. Base does NOT update the Firebird database automatically like it does with HSQLDB (at least for table creation). It seems to require a a REFRESH to do that. Also see the above-mentioned POST and the answer given by Ratslinger

Do post back if you want to add anything to the above, and TICK this post if it answers your question.

Dear @frofa,

Thank you so much for your answer.

It really came after Refresh Tables.