Firebird Trigger to Insert Current Date for Two Fields (CreationDate & ModifyDate)

Hello. I am using LibreOffice Base 7.5 (Firebird Embedded) on a Windows 10 Desktop (64-bit).
I created a new database using Firebird Embedded (instead of my previous use of HSQLDB). I need to update two fields with the current date:
Table: tblProjects

  • fldCreationDate - the date the record was created.
  • fldModifyDate - the date the record was modified.

I was advised that a “Trigger” would actually work better with a Firebird Embedded database.
@Ratslinger kindly provided a sample demo that did EXACTLY what I wanted (Need Date fields that automatically insert the date that record was created and updated - #12 by Ratslinger), BUT he said he used the following code from @mariosv to create these two fields when the Table was FIRST CREATED:

create table MyData (
  id int not null primary key,
  record_created timestamp default current_timestamp,


  • My table is ALREADY created with many fields… so should I delete only these two fields and recreate the two fields using the code?

  • If I must start over, is the following the correct code for my particular situation:

create table "tblProjects" (
  id int not null primary key,
  "fldCreationDate" timestamp default current_timestamp,
  "fldModifyDate" timestamp default current_timestamp


  • I assume that I will enter the above code in Tools > SQL (Command to Execute)?
  • Is there any way to view the SQL commands that have already been entered previously? I tried to view the code that was used in the FirebirdTriggerSample.odb demo that @Ratslinger used… but couldn’t figure out how to see it. :slightly_smiling_face:

THANKS for any help at all…

Use a copy of your Base file to test changes. Altering the table should work.
As for the commands used, you must not have looked at the answer or sample too closely. I stated:

Used SQL from @mariosv as basis to create table and Code from one of the links I posted for a Trigger. The code for each is saved in Queries within the sample (cannot execute from there - only from Tools SQL).

and in the query section is:

If I were doing this, I’d create a new table, then copy data (copy & paste or SQL) from the old table to the new table & test.
Make sure you have a backup before doing anything. It is fairly simple.

My above quote from previous answer also states this to be true.

No. Please look at what is shown. In the sample provided for create table, there is no default for the modify date, If there were, it would place a date in there when the record was new.

It worked! THANK YOU!
You were right… I did not notice the Query section. I was looking for the SQL commands you used under the “Previous Commands” drop-down on the SQL Command window. :upside_down_face:
Which makes me ask: Is there any way to go back and see a list of commands that were previously executed?

A history. None I know of.

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