Follow-up: upper limit to number of rows in Calc

I have a file that has 10 million rows. I want to open it using OpenOffice Calc but OpenOffice Calc 3.3.3 has a limit of around 1 million rows.

If you follow this link, the answer mentioned that the base module of libre office has almost NO ROW LIMIT.

I will highly appreciate any feedback where can I find the base module of libre office that has no row limit.

The referred to “base module” is NOT Calc. The reference is to using the Base module of LO - meaning a database.

Even Excel has a limit on # of rows.

If considering a database, you will not be using the embedded DB included with Base considering the amount of data you have. Instead you should consider MySQL or PostgreSQL or others and use Base as a front end to the database.

Thanks for your time and help. Just to clarify, so if I have .dbf file that have 10 million rows, it can be opened using LO

Can’t say about 10 million, but I just tried a .dbf for first time in Base. Start Base, select Connect to existing database, select dBASE from dropdown list, click Next and then enter its’ location. Give the DB a name and the data is accessible in a table. 10 million is a lot. Might take some time, might not. Haven’t even used a .dbf in decades. Don’t see any limits on this so far.

Hi @aelwan3 - I agree with Ratslinger about loading your file into a “real” database engine (and possibly using Base as FrontEnd). LibreOffice can open .dbf files, the problem will come from memory management.

@Ratslinger - I assume that you opened LibreOffice’s default bibliography, if only as an example. If so … you used a .dbf format :slight_smile:


@PYS Thank you for the comment. I knew I was missing something - memory management. Glanced at bibliography once; didn’t even realize it was a .dbf!