Font in alert boxes Libre writer

In menus and alert boxes, the ‘system’ font is hard to read, is there somewhere in preferences that the system font can be changed?

For example when closing a document an ‘alert’ box appears the heading in this box “SAVE CHANGES TO DOCUMENT “UNTITLED” BEFORE CLOSING” is in a weird almost unreadable font, yet the “Don’t Save”, “Cancel” & “Save” button text is normal.

Libre version is - OS = macOS Catalina 10.155.7 - Have not changed any system fonts (New user - novice)

Any help appreciated

Libre office font issue

Such a question is closely related to the OS. Please edit your question (don’t use a comment) to mention OS name and LO version. Have you configured your OS to use a “non standard” system font?

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Thanks [ajlittoz] ajlittoz appreciate your reply. I have edited the post with my OS etc.

I am a novice user and haven’t changed any system fonts (don’t know how)