Font substitution

I think I remember Libre Writer offered a way to subtitute fonts. I want to get rid of liberation and have Tahoma as the substitute on all documents. I have tried to make my default on all documents I write to be Tahoma but it will not stick. I always get Libration.

I have tried to make my default on all documents I write to be Tahoma

How? - it should be easy to change all fonts in Tools -> Options -> LibreOffice Writer -> Basic Fonts (Western) to Tahoma (if you don’t want to create a new default template)

And are you aware of the following from [LibreOffice Help - Fonts](
*Substitutes a font with a font of your choice. The substitution replaces a font only when it is displayed on screen, or on screen and when printing. **The replacement does not change the font settings that are saved in the document.***


regardless of my comment, you can create a replacement table in Tools -> Options -> LibreOffice -> Fonts

Note If you are on macOS, replace Tools -> Options by LibreOffice -> Preferences

Hope that helps.