Fonts missing in LibreOffice after update on Ubuntu


I’m a devote user of LO, and just a few days ago installed the new version on my Ubuntu Budgie computer as a snap package. To my surprise, when I created a new Text Document, I found almost all fonts were missing. In fact, these are the only fonts available…

image description

I must say other apps like AbiWord recognize all the fonts in my computer.

I’m not an Ubuntu expert, so I wonder if the new LO “forgot” where the fonts are and if I can do something to make it “remember” where are the fonts.

Thanks for your help!

same here.

Any successful result? My case is not as extreme but I can’t make LO apps recognize new fonts, nevertheless other apps recognize them without issues.

Ubuntu 14.04

FWIW, I’m having the same problem under Windows, and just now posted a new question about it here:

Still a problem LO - fonts OK in other programmes but running fc-cache and logging in and out make no difference. This is an otf font - but the bold and italic version work OK - just the thin version won’t.

Very similar problem. Only one weight (regular) is recognized for Riforma font family (proprietary font) but medium is not seen.
Other apps display both without any issue.
Seems OK on LO 7.xx installed with snap.